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Here you'll find answers to common questions we receive about the Timmy Awards.


The Timmy Awards nomination process allows you to either complete the entire application in one sitting or come back to it at a better time! The nomination form first collects general company information and then dives deeper into why your company deserves to win a Timmy Award. You should have the following information available when filling out your nomination: company logo and/or manager’s headshot, company details (such as location, website etc.), and specific insight into why your nominee deserves to win.

Is there a fee to apply?

It is completely FREE to apply and submit a nomination for the Timmy Awards! Tech in Motion is a free event series, all our events are free to attend, participate, etc.

When is the deadline to submit a nomination?

The nomination deadline for the 2024 Timmy Awards is May 3rd.

What cities are accepting nominations?

We accept nominations from companies with tech teams anywhere in the United States and Canada.

Can I enter in more than one category?

Absolutely! We encourage you to enter for as many of our categories that you deem appropriate for your company. It is not uncommon for exceptional workplaces to be honored in more than one category.

Can I edit my nomination after submitting it?

Yes, you can edit or add additional categories to your submission up until the nomination deadline.

What is the time commitment involved?

The submission of your nomination takes ~10-30 minutes to complete. If you are selected as a 2024 winner there will be an opportunity for you to give a pre-recorded acceptance speech during our award ceremony this November.

What information should I include in my nomination?

The key to submitting an award-winning nomination is providing the Timmy Awards committee and our expert panel of judges with specific information that highlights what the organization or individual is doing to create an exemplary tech work culture and how those efforts have been successful. The number of examples (and how you present them) is not as important as ensuring that the nominee’s contributions and achievements match the specific award criteria for that category, and that there are measurable results.


Our 2024 panel of judges will evaluate and score all finalists based on answers provided in their nomination, those with the highest average score will win.

How do you pick the judges for the Timmy Awards?

Our judging panel is made up of industry leaders across various sectors of technology, including software development leaders, founders, venture capitalists, DEI executives, and more. We tailor our judges' specific areas of expertise to our award categories in order to ensure that our judges' evaluations are of the highest-possible quality.

Can you explain how nominations are evaluated?

You can see all award criteria by category at

Is it possible to receive the judges rating for my submission?

Due to the high volume of entries, The Timmy Awards typically does not offer individual comments to its entrants. If you'd like more information please reach out to

Community Choice voting is now open!

 Technologists across North America will be able to vote for their favorite companies and tech workers for the Community Choice Award. Unlike other Timmy Awards, the brand-new Community Choice Award is decided by you! Make your voice heard today!