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Recap "Big Data: It's a Big Deal"

On Tuesday, March 25th, San Francisco techies gathered at Tagged HQ with one common interest: big data. Tech in Motion’s “Big Data: It’s a Big Deal” brought San Franciscans together to network and learn about big data from two local experts, Dr. Konstantin (Cos) Boudnik and Jerome Banks.highres_346078872

Like most Tech in Motion events, the night began with networking and drinks. Tagged HQ provided a large, open layout for techies to mingle and network over drinks and pizza. While new connections were made guests were invited to explore booths from the sponsors Microsoft, Jobspring Partners and Workbridge Associates.

Presentations began midway through the evening with a compelling introduction to Microsoft’s OneNote from Orlando O'Neill. He gave a personal and thorough demonstration of how OneNote can be applied to everyday life. 2

Next came the big data experts. Dr. Cos Boudnik spoke first about his experience with big data and developing the software Hadoop, an open source framework for storage and large-scale processing. He discussed how open source can result in highly successful projects and is incredibly important for the future. He closed his presentation with a detailed demo for the audience.1965562_616075765153240_33412_oFollowing Boudnik was Jerome Banks, a data engineer working with Hadoop technologies and a primary contributor to the Brickhouse open source library of Hive UDFs. Banks explained how his work with the Brickhouse Library contributes to big data and functionality of projects. Upon finishing his presentation he opened the floor up for questions and discussion. Photo (3)

As the night came to a close, the speakers mingled with guests and answered lingering questions over glasses of wine. Attendees left with new contacts and a better understanding of big data as a whole. Don't miss out on the next Tech in Motion event in San Francisco - join the group here.