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What Mobile Apps Mean For The Future Of Healthcare

Naimish PatelAnybody who has glanced at the front page of a newspaper or opened an Internet browser in the past year knows that the United States is in the process of overhauling its healthcare system. And it’s about time. For far too long U.S. healthcare has struggled with inefficiency, high costs, and poor outcomes. In light of the recent reform measures, healthcare has assumed center stage as a national discussion, and the pressure to fix the system is finally on high.

Inherent in creating a more productive healthcare system lies the necessity for patients to become active members in managing their own health. That’s the focus here at Audax Health. We’re committed to producing high quality products that foster patient engagement and empower users to make positive lifestyle decisions that ultimately enhance their overall health and wellness.

Reforming the health system is an incredibly daunting task. The U.S. spends more on healthcare per capita than any other nation, with an estimated $2.8 trillion expected to be attributed to health costs in 2013. By the year 2021, healthcare spending is predicted to account for 20% of the U.S. economy.

The facts and figures associated with the U.S. healthcare may be bleak, but thanks to technology, the future of healthcare doesn’t have to be. More than half of American adults have smartphones, and they’re increasingly open to the idea of using mobile applications and the Internet to access and manage health information.

In order to successfully improve U.S. healthcare, payers, providers, and patients must all step up to the plate by accepting accountability, and implementing real change. Audax Health has created the platform for stakeholders across the health continuum to do just that.  Zensey, Audax Health’s flagship social media and gamification platform, provides an easy-to-use, secure environment for patients to connect with others who have similar health concerns, manage existing conditions, and reach health goals. By partnering with health insurance providers, we’re able to leverage existing resources in a way that drives engagement and creates positive health outcomes.

Between the recent attention surrounding healthcare and the escalating rates of smartphone usage, it’s only logical that innovation in the digital health space is on the rise. Americans are already spending so much time on their smartphone and social media, why shouldn’t they be getting healthy while doing so?

Yes, digital health is on the rise; but much of what online and mobile health application have to offer only helps users address very specific health concerns. With Zensey, we’ve developed a more holistic approach to health management that helps everyone in the health continuum win.